I'm back! Well, sort of at least. I can't promise this will be a weekly update anymore, since I haven't had time to do much crafting lately. But hopefully I'll be able to pick it up again soon!
Before having Cooper, I started working on the quilting for his quilt. It seems odd to still call this "Goose's Quilt." :) My original plan was to do random circles all over in different sizes, but I decided instead to make a small circle in each solid square. Yes, each and every one. Yes, I'm probably nuts.
I have a few more done since I took this picture, and I'm really liking it. I know it's probably going to take quite a while to make all these circles, and I may have to wait until winter when it's not so warm, but it'll get done. Slowly, but surely. This guy is totally worth it. :)
I also picked up supplies to make one of these nursing covers from Little Birdie Secrets. I haven't decided yet what fabric I'll use, but I hope to be able to finish it up before this weekend. Hopefully Coop cooperates & lets me have a little free time!
Make sure you head over to Freshly Pieced to see what everybody else has been up to this week.
Until next time...