***Giveaway is now closed***
It's May Giveaway Day over at Sew, Mama, Sew! Make sure you head over & check out all the other giveaways.

If you're stopping over from Sew, Mama, Sew, feel free to take a look around & think about joining in on the next round of the Amy Butler Style Stitches Sew Along. Come to think of it, this month's pattern (the Perfectly Pleated Clutch) is so quick & easy, you could probably jump in this month if you'd like.
For Giveaway Day, I'm giving you all a chance to win this Keyka Lou Lots of Pockets tote. It's one of my favorite Keyka Lou patterns, and one of my favorite fabrics.
I've also got a matching wallet for the winner.
You don't have to be a follower to win, but why would you not want to be? We have fun around here. :)
For entries, I'm going to mix things up a bit - we're going to play a little game of "Would you rather...?" Each person must answer the question from the comment before them, and ask the next question. You may answer & enter as many times as you like, except you cannot answer your own questions, so you've got to wait for someone else to ask a question.
Comments have gone to a second page, so please make sure you click the "newest" link to make sure you're answering the most recent question! :)
I'll kick things off with the first question - For gifts at the holidays, would you rather recieve a store-bought gift, a handmade gift, cash, or a gift card?
Entries are open until midnight, Wednesday, May 25. I'll announce the winner Thursday, May 26. Please make sure you either leave your e-mail in your comment, or have your e-mail on your profile. International entries are welcome. Winner will be chosen at random by random.org.
Until next time...
I would rather get a handmade gift.
ReplyDeleteQ: Would you rather choose your own present or be surprised?
Going with the gift theme here.
Gift cards are always fun! But I just love gifts in general.
ReplyDeleteOk, would you rather be on a beach in the sun or curled up in your sweats next to the fire on a cold winters night?
In front of the fire for sure!
ReplyDeleteWould you rather ice cream or chocolate?
I would rather have ice cream (strawberry please). Would you rather vacation on a sunny beach or sight see in a big city?
ReplyDeleteIs it worth it to eat dessert if it's not chocolate?
It is TOTALLY worth it to eat a dessert if its not chocolate... hello, its called CHEESECAKE my friend haha.
ReplyDeleteWhat is your favorite vacation spot for the summer? (backyards count! :))
Ok, I'm answering the beach or big city question. The answer is BEACH hands down!
ReplyDeleteQ: Would you rather hot or cold climate?
I prefer luke-warm ;-) ... hrm, if I had to choose tho, I guess I would say hot. I need to be out of doors as much as possible. But I have a 100lb newfoundland mix so he would probably choose a colder climate :)
ReplyDeleteCat or dog? Which is better? :)
Cats, of course! They take care of themselves - dogs you have to pay attention to.....
ReplyDeleteQ:which do you prefer, sewing or crafting?
Sewing, for me!
ReplyDeleteWould you rather stay in on a Friday night with the whole family or go out for a night on the town without the kids?
A: Sewing, sewing, sewing! No contest there. :-)
ReplyDeleteQ: Which do you prefer, being the driver or the passenger?
Your purse and wallet are just lovely. Please come visit my blog over in Japan too!
A: I prefer being the driver, some say I have control issues. ;)
ReplyDeleteWould you rather visit somewhere international or somewhere in your own country?
love your bag and wallet!!! thank you.
ReplyDeletei would rather visit iceland, i am now in australia, which is not my own country.
whats your favorite sauce on a hamburger?
I always have ketchup on a hamburgar! :)
ReplyDeleteWould you rather a long drive to get somewhere, or a plane ride?
I would rather a plane ride, but driving always makes more sense to me because I have a lot of baggage...
ReplyDeleteWould you rather live some place that is hot and humid all the time or some place where the weather changes every 5 minutes?
Love your original idea for commenting but love the bags you're offering even more!!
ReplyDeleteOooh it would have to be changing every 5 minutes - I couldn't bear hot and humid all the time - ok for a while but could get boring.
What is your favourite crafty thing to do?
Teresa x
Quilting, duh! LOL
ReplyDeleteIf you found out today that you were allergic to milk, would you rather be a little "sick" on a daily basis and take meds every day or never have ice cream or cheese again?
Life without cheese is not worth living, so sick, definitely, LOL.
ReplyDeleteWould you rather watch Dora the Explorer or Wonder Pets? Sorry, that's the question I am asking my 2-year-old and 4-year-old right now. : )
I am allergic to milk and I'd rather take the meds and have chocolate when I feel like it and hang the consequences :)
ReplyDeleteWould you rather be a stick thin supermodel or a voluptuous quilter? ;)
hmmm...I don't know. I would never want to be stick thin and I do love quilting...and since I am "voluptuous", I guess that answers that. LOL
ReplyDeleteWould you rather have fun with your money now and worry about retirement when it gets here or save every penny and never have any fun while you are young enough to have fun?
tricky!! I certainly want to be taken care of in retirement, but want to enjoy life now!!
ReplyDeleteWould you rather cook dinner yourself or eat out??
EAT OUT! i am absolutely useless in the kitchen!
ReplyDeletewould you rather go on vacation to a place you've been before and loved or would you rather go some place new and take the risk of having a so-so time?
oh, goodness. we love going back to some of our favorites . . . but if i were going on vacation this week, i'd go someplace new - with my hubby and kids, we'd have fun no matter what! we once went on a 10-day camping trip and it rained 9 of those days . . . we still had fun! we just love being together!
ReplyDeletewhat's your favorite way to exercise? (conventional or not!)
That's a tough one- I am part creature-of-habit and part adventurer! I think I would opt for somewhere new without kids, or somewhere I know with kids.
ReplyDeleteWould you rather have your cake or eat it??
I would want to eat it! YUM!
ReplyDeleteWould you rather spend a summer day at the beach or a winter night curled up next to the fireplace?
Okay, I was slow and messed up last time...so I will answer quick! At this point in spring, I would opt for the summer day at the beach as I have had plenty of the latter!
ReplyDelete(btw Bree, always thought I was following??? But I wasn't, so am today!)
Would you rather stay up late sewing or get your 8 hours of sleep?
I'd rather stay up late :)
ReplyDeleteWould you rather spend money on fabric or money on new shoes?
both isn't an option? probably fabric--the sense of pride from making something far outweighs the joy of new shoes or me.
ReplyDeletewould you rather someone notice you made something (and comment on it) or have everyone think it is store bought?
I would love for people to think it is store bought, but then I would def. tell them it was made by me to get the recognition.
I love all things handmade.
Thanks for the opportunity and I hope I win! :)
Meaning I would like them to think it's handmade. I also forgot to post a question on my last entry.
ReplyDeleteMy question is:
Would you rather go out for dinner with family or make it at home for a celebration such as graduation?
Seems the game dropped off. So would you rather eat out or cook and stay in?
ReplyDeletebtw great bag: texhelena(at)aol(dot)com
Eat out.
ReplyDeleteChocolate or Vanilla?
G'Day! I'm here for the Sew, Mama, Sew Giveaway Day! Please visit me, too:
Homemaker Honey
homemakerhoney @gmail .com
I would rather eat out...no dishes!
ReplyDeletewould you rather craft or sew?
That is such a tough question! It depends on my frame of mind. I will say sew, seeing as my frame of mind seems to land there the most often.
ReplyDeleteQuestion: Do you prefer to wear socks or to be barefooted?
ReplyDeletewould you rather clean up poo or puke (it has been a long day already)
I love the bag!! So cute.
ReplyDeleteI'd rather clean up poo. I already do on a daily basis after my dog anyways :)
Would you rather machine sew a quilt or handsew a quilt?
rachaelroyce [at] gmail [dot] com :)
I would rather machine sew the quilt!
ReplyDeleteWould you rather eat Chinese or Italian for dinner?
Italian ! For sure! Hands Down! What other terms can I come up with ! ;)
ReplyDeleteWould you rather tell the truth and lose a friend or tell a white lie?
ReplyDeleteWould you rather take a bath or a shower?
sims.whitney at gmail.com
I would rather take a shower!
ReplyDeleteWould you rather read a book or watch tv?
A book.
ReplyDeleteWould you rather a sunny and cold or cloudy and warm day?
I love sunny days!
ReplyDeleteWould you rather ride a bike or jog?
I don't have a choice on that one. after 2 knee surgeries, I have to ride a bike.
ReplyDeleteReality TV or the awesome fake stuff? (I'm not biased, I swear!)
Reply to Mary - the fake stuff everytime! If I wanted to watch people argue non-stop I'd visit my relatives more! :)
ReplyDeleteMy question is: If you HAD to, would you rather wear a comedy Groucho Marx Glasses/moustache/cigar combo or a Jester hat. All day.
Totally the Groucho Marx!
ReplyDeleteHmm...Would you rather play on the beach or in the snow?
Snow! Snow! Snow! What a fun game. :)
ReplyDeleteWould you rather...Friday night date night...Stay home & cuddle on the couch watching a movie or go out & party it up!
First, I LOVE the bag and wallet and thanks for the chance to win.
ReplyDelete(to Sharon) Stay home and cuddle
Would you rather sing in the rain or dance in the park?
(I highly encourage you to do both by yourself and surprise others and do it with them, watch how fast the mood lightens up!)
I'd much rather sing in the rain (and jump in puddles)...
ReplyDeleteWould you rather visit NYC or visit London?
ReplyDeleteWould you rather listen to Pop or Country music?
I love country music!
ReplyDeleteWould you rather plant flowers or buy some in pots?
Buy some in pot?
ReplyDeleteWould you rather play basketball or soccer.
Well, since I can't jump at all, we'll go with soccer. :)
ReplyDeleteWould you rather watch hockey on TV or baseball on TV?
oh, dear neither! Not a sports fan!:)
ReplyDeleteWould you rather swim in the ocean or the pool?
It depends, I would choose the ocean if the water is clear.
ReplyDeleteWould you rather get at the movies, popcorn or nachos?
Nachos, with cheese and salsa!
ReplyDeleteWhen dressing up, do you prefer high heels or ballet flats?
(And I love this idea, btw!)
responding to #56....high heels darling! I don't go out enough and high heels are the icing to my outfit.
ReplyDeleteMy question....pedicure or manicure???
Can't I have both? If I had to choose, I would get the pedi. For me, they last longer and it's getting awfully hard to reach my own feet to do a good job. LOL
Pedicure, fo' sure. :)
ReplyDeleteWould you rather go to the beach or the mountains?
Pedicure...it lasts longer, lol!!
ReplyDeleteWhat's your favorite sewing pattern?
respond to #59:
ReplyDeletebeach. mmmm, warm!
would you rather: eat bugs or eat moldy cheese? yuck!!
I would sooo choose the moldy cheese. You can just cut that part off, right?
ReplyDeleteWould you rather take a freezing cold shower or go to work thinking you might smell a little like corn chips?
I would rather take a freezing cold shower!
ReplyDeleteFor your vacation would you rather go somewhere tropical or somewhere cold?
I would go for the cold shower, you'd be clean and really awake.
ReplyDeleteWould you rather get to sleep-in on your birthday, or get to go on a "real" date that night ( dinner, movie or concert, no kids)?
Hmm. I would rather go on a "real" date with or without the kids. I never sleep in anyway. I can't, its like a curse or something.
ReplyDeleteCandy or Chocolate?
Chocolate definitely!
ReplyDeleteA day without your sewing machine or a week without your friends?
A week without my friends...lol...i don't see my friends too often so that's easy.
ReplyDeleteWhat was your best vacation yet?
My cruise. I just love cruises so I can go scuba diving!
ReplyDeleteSky diving or scuba diving?
Scuba diving for sure. I am so scared of heights?
ReplyDeleteBlack or Brown. Which do you prefer?
Cute blog! Thanks for inviting me. And definitely neither, do I have to pick???? Umm, I guess scuba diving.
ReplyDeleteWould you rather sleep or run?
I like Black!
ReplyDeleteWould you rather canoe or kayak?
Awesome Giveaway Bree! I'd love to win. ;) (And I follow. Cause it IS fun here! :)
ReplyDeleteOk - I'd rather kayak. Only because I've done it before and had a blast.
Would you rather hand sew or machine sew?
Answering #72, machine sew!
ReplyDeletebunchofbees at gmail dot com
Do you like coffee or tea?
tea! Coffee makes me climb the walls.
ReplyDeleteCapris or shorts?
shorts! give these old whiteys some sun!!
ReplyDeleteHugh Jackman or Ryan Gosling?
Capris for sure.
ReplyDeleteWould you rather travel to the ocean/beach or the mountains?
I'd def. rather go play in the mountains... I may be part mountain goat! :)
ReplyDeleteIf you piece a quilt, but send your top out to be quilted by someone else... can you still call yourself a quilter? Or do we need societies split between piecers and quilters? Ooo... drama question! hehe
Wow! That is a tough one. Since it is summer time, I would rather go to the beach.
ReplyDeleteWould you rather sweat it out and excercise outdoors for 30 minutes OR lap swim for 30 minutes?
I would rather exercise indoors for 30 mins and then go relax in the pool ;)
ReplyDeleteWould you rather snow ski or water ski?
I haven't tried any...but I would snow ski...water skiing looks like the water may hurt!
ReplyDeleteIf you wanted a different hair color, would you rather wear a wig or have your hair colored?
I would rather have my hair colored (by a professional, of course!)
ReplyDeleteWould you rather run 4 miles or have a free therapy appointment?
Have my hair colored.
ReplyDeleteQ: would you prefer spring or fall?
Spring. I like it warm.
ReplyDeleteWould you prefer no darkness ever or no light ever?
Definitely NO DARKNESS ever...no light makes me moody and I can always wear an eyemask to bed!
ReplyDeleteQ: What is your favorite childhood summer memory?
Favourite childhood summer memory: playing in the backyard with my cousin finding salamanders by our willow tree.
ReplyDeleteQ: do you like spicy food?
Being up in the apple tree in the garden at nearly 10pm and being amazed that the sun was only just going down. I loved watching the sunset from the branches.
ReplyDeleteAnd your perfect picnic meal would be?
Heck yes!
ReplyDeleteSouthern Drawl or Boston accent?
Southern Drawl!!
Country music or pop??
Definitely pop :)
What thing you wanted to make for a long time but still didn't find some time to do it?
A well shaped fifties wrap dress.
ReplyDeletemrscharleybrown at yahoo.com
Would you rather eat a different food every day for a month or your favorite food for the whole month?
An autograph quilt. I've collected all the autographs over 12 years ago already but just never got around to piecing and quilting the quilt.
ReplyDeleteajoyfulnoise (at) live (dot) com
What is your favorite quote?
hmmm..... a dress for me!
ReplyDeletehigh heels or slippers?
Im 5'11 - definitely slippers!
ReplyDeleteWhat is more fun to win on a blog giveaway: a handmade item or fabric?
What a lovely selection!
ReplyDeleteHandmade item! :) I love to see other people's creativity.
ReplyDeleteWould you rather ride a horse or a dolphin? :)
A horse!
ReplyDeleteClassical or Classic Rock?
Rock! cut rope and smile at aim dot com.
ReplyDeleteDOH forgot to post my own question! Classic rock! And now for my question: What color is your favorite shirt? cut rope and smile at aim dot com.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite shirt is pink because it has a huge dinosaur with 3d glasses on it :D
ReplyDeleteQ: Would you rather have short hair or long hair?
Long hair (even though I've kept mine short for a year now)
ReplyDeleteWould you rather spend a warm day hiking and exploring a trail or lounging and relaxing by a pool?
Handmade! I love this bag!
ReplyDeleteWould you rather have a big bag or a little bag? BIG - I have a lot of crap. (I like your blog name by the way)
I'd rather have handmade any time!
ReplyDelete#100 - I would rather spend a day hiking and exploring - I don't have the patience to be a beach bum!!
ReplyDeleteWould you rather teach a crafty type class, or participate in one?
I'd rather participate.
ReplyDeleteWould you rather try a new dish or make something you've made many times before?
I would make something I have made before!!
ReplyDeleteWould you rather skydive or scubadive??
Fun! I think I'd love to try scubadiving just a little more than skydiving.
ReplyDeleteWould you rather watch the sun set or rise?
Both are beautiful but i hate wake up early so I choose sun set...
ReplyDeleteWould you rather have a dog or a cat?
Definitely a dog!
ReplyDeleteWould you rather get bitten by a bug, or endure the stench of the bug spray? hahah
I would rather endure the stench. I can always shower later. :o)
ReplyDeleteWould you rather drive across country or fly?
I'd rather fly there and drive back. So I could experience both. :-)
ReplyDeleteWould you rather watch kids' cartoons or a scary movie?
I would SO rather watch kids cartoons! I hate scary movies.
ReplyDeleteWould you rather go to school or have a job?
Thanks for the chance to win!
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com
Can I just say, best commenting idea of all time?!Great giveaway! I'd be delighted to win!
I would rather fly, although right now a road trip sounds pretty nice.
Would you rather see music or hear color?
I would rather hear color.
ReplyDeleteWould you rather wear a hat crazy like Princess Beatrice's or dress like a clown?
I would rather go to school.
ReplyDeleteQ: Would you rather get up early or stay up late?
Stay up late!
ReplyDeleteBras: under wire or no?
cut rope and smile at aim dot com
I would rather stay up late
ReplyDeleteWhat do you prefer: cakes or cupcakes? (eating or making ;-))
Cupcakes for eating, Cakes for making! Cheating I know.
ReplyDeleteWhat's your current favorite wall color?
Turquoise. It's so serene and calming.
ReplyDeleteWhere would you like to go for vacation?
I prefer soft pastels....my living room color is called "Lilting Laughter".
ReplyDeleteWhen it comes to your guilty food pleasures...do you crave something salty or sweet?
Salty all the time!!
ReplyDeleteWould you rather have go to the ocean or a lake?
HappyQuilting at DewberryLane dot com
I would rather go to the ocean.
ReplyDeleteAre you a speed walker or a stroller?
lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com
Sroller, I like a nice slow walk :)
ReplyDeleteHalloween or Christmas?
HappyQuilting at DewberryLane dot com
Definitely Christmas! I LOVE celebrating Christmas!
ReplyDeleteWould you rather have ice cream or cake on your birthday?
I would rather have ice cream cake!! Does that count? LOL
ReplyDeleteWould you rather have a snowy day or 90 degree one?
HappyQuilting at DewberryLane dot com
I would much rather a 90 degree day! Love the warmth.
ReplyDeleteWould you rather go to a concert or a play?
I was a theater major, so a live show all the way!! Would you rather use scissors or a rotary cutter?
HappyQuilting at DewberryLane dot com
Scissors! I'm terrible with rotary cutters. *grin*
ReplyDeleteWould you rather have chocolate or vanilla?
Vanilla all the way.
ReplyDeleteWould you rather drink a gallon of hot sauce or watch Richard Simmons for 3 hours?
Oh my!!! What a terrible choice!
ReplyDeleteOk, well I am Norwegian and absolutely cannot handle spices. SO I would have to watch Richard Simmons and just try to make the best of it. Maybe Sweatin' to the oldies would burn off some calories so then I could reward myself with ice cream?
would you rather be able to fly or breathe under water?
I would rather fly. I'm a bit claustrophobic and I don't get in water - well for baths/showers.
ReplyDeleteIf you had to give up one of these, which would it be? Sight (blind), Hearing (deaf), Speaking (mute)
If I had to give up one... I would give up hearing.
ReplyDeleteWould you rather eat something sweet or savory?
Sweet...I'm a sugarholic!
ReplyDeleteWould you rather just have to have drinks for the rest of your life (no chewing) or only be able to eat tough meat?
I would rather the meat! Meat is my favorite, even if I have to chew it a lot (bless my sainted Irish mother with her overcooking)...
ReplyDeleteWould you rather have a lot of art that was worth a little money or one piece of art that was worth a lot of money?
Clever comment game!
ReplyDeleteHmm.. a tough one. I don't own much art as it is! I guess one perfect one would make me happy.
What are you listening to right now?
I'm listening to the hum of the baby monitor. Glad that both babes are sleeping. :)
ReplyDeleteWould you rather go sky diving or cliff jumping?
reiner (dot) danielle (at) gmail (dot) com
Rotary cutter answer to 126
ReplyDeleteWould you rather repair typewriters or pitch hay?
Last question was #136. Would you rather repair typewriters or pitch hay?
ReplyDeleteWell, I'd really rather repair typewriters, but due to the fact that I'm overweight, I guess I should pitch hay.
Would you change your life if you could, or would you leave things as they currently are?
I would not change much, I wouldn't be who I am today if anything were different.
ReplyDeleteWould you rather work and have lots of money or stay home with your kids and struggle to make ends meet?
I'd rather stay at home with kids (that I don't have yet) and struggle to make ends meet but I'd hope that I never have to decide between those two!
ReplyDeleteWould you rather have the love of your life long distance or the one you settled for right there?
Thanks for the giveaway
Sarah @ Kiwi Gets Crafty
stay home and struggle, doesn't that sound crazy?
ReplyDeletethis game is fun!
would you rather keep the house you have or buy/build another one?
Buy/build another one! ... since I don't own the one I live in now, I'd much rather be able to buy or build a new one (or even a "new" one).
ReplyDeleteWould you rather go out to eat/get take out, or cook a meal yourself?
Okay this is a weird game!! LOL
ReplyDeleteI rather receive CASH!!!! Too many stores to choose from!
I would rather eat out!
ReplyDeleteWould you rather travel around your own country or visit another one?
I've definitely done both, and I love both for different reasons. This country is huge and has so many different regions that are each special and individual and so interesting to explore (I've visited 41 of the nifty 50!) and yet traveling the world makes me realize what a small world it is! :) It's always neat to experience other cultures. So I'm going to have to say travel abroad.
ReplyDeleteWould you rather quilt your own or send your quilts to a long armer?
Hmmm, visit another one!
ReplyDeleteWould you rather grow your own veggies or get them at the farmers' market?
I would like to visit another one.
ReplyDeleteWould you rather drive around in a powerboat or paddle around in a kayak or canoe.
Fun comments! I'd rather cook a meal myself because I know what goes into it!
ReplyDeleteFake tan or real tan?
Neither. Pale is the new tan.
ReplyDeleteWould you rather sew for friends and family or yourself?
I always end up sewing for family and friends. Randomly made a dress for myself on Sunday for a dance recital I attended.
ReplyDeleteQ: would you rather have the temp super hot or super cold?
I would rather have the temp be super hot
Q: Would you rather read the book or watch the movie?
I'd definitely rather read the book. Old fashioned paper books. No e-books in this house.
Q: Would you rather craft as a hobby in your "free time" or try to make it into a business at the risk of turning it into work"?
I tend to watch the movie first & if I like it I'll read the book.
ReplyDeleteWould you rather live in the country or the city?
I would rather live in the country! (Where I grew up) :) Trendymeg@msn.com
ReplyDeleteWould you rather vacation at the beach or the ski slopes?
I would rather vacation at the ski slopes because I don't like hot weather but I don't ski either lol. I would hole up with a book in the lodge most likely.
ReplyDeleteWould you rather have cheese or ice cream?
Ice cream. Would you rather have chocolate or vanilla?
ReplyDeleteVanilla for sure! Then I would drizzle it with butterscotch topping.
ReplyDeleteWould you rather plan out your life or live spontaneously?
This is a fun giveaway! And I love the purse!
ReplyDelete"Would you rather plan out your life or live spontaneously?"
I think I'm rather a planner! It's my nature as a stage manager!
Question for the next: What is your favorite hobby?
my favorite hobby is anything messy -- cooking, gardening, painting, crafting...
ReplyDelete(i love this bag i must win it!)
so unique!
thanks for the sweet give-away
email in profile
nicmowat (at) gmail (dot) com
NEXT: would you rather hold a big spider for 5 minutes or a snake?
Snake .
ReplyDeleteWhich super hero power would you rather have: invisibility or flight?
Yay! Fun!
Rubberduckywon at gmail
SNAKE! all the way.
ReplyDeleteWhat is your favourite time of day?
There are two questions to be answered.
ReplyDeleteFlight, it would save me so much money!
NEXT: Would you rather bake a cake or a pie?
anna [at] 64colorbox [dot] com
I would mostly bake a cake(frankly I dont know how to make a pie ;))
ReplyDeletemy ques: if you could have only one colour in your life then what would that be ?
btw plz come visit my blog htpp://jewelsofsayuri.blogspot.com/ to participate in my giveaway...my email jewelsofsayuri@gmail(dot)com
Oh it would be blue in any tone!
ReplyDeleteThnaks for the funny and lovely give away!
Next: What would you prefer to ride a donkey or a camel?
Definitely a donkey...
ReplyDeleteGorgeous give away - just right for the summer!
So - chocolate or cheese?
A Camel. I've ridden one before and it's a hoot!
ReplyDeleteDo you like wearing hand knitted jumpers or fleecy?
Hey, Maxine and Rosewendy answer the same question, whose should I answer,... mmm I'll answer both!
ReplyDeleteI'd rather have cheese.
I'd rather wear hand knitted.
What a creative way to do a giveaway! Thumbs up for the thinker!
My question : As an imaginary husband ; Brad Pitt or David Beckham?
heh..answering babalisme, david beckham!
ReplyDeletequestion:if you knew both, which would be your vacation? surfing or skiing?
So my options are getting eaten by a shark or breaking a leg? I guess I would choose skiing... but would prefer to avoid both haha.
ReplyDeleteWhich would you prefer: a long arm quilting machine (computerized just for fun!) or your own fabric line?
love this comment game! and such a lovely bag combo - thanks for the chance to win 8-)
ReplyDeleteans to #168 - my own fabric line! I've always wanted to be a fabric designer - how did you know?
I already own a mid arm quilting machine and would love to have it computerized, tho!
next question: how many sewing machines do you own?
Thanks for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI have one sewing machine and one serger.
Would you rather eat chocolate cream pie or chips and salsa?
Oh dear, that's a hard one to answer! It really depends on my mood and the time of day. If I'm hanging out and watching a great DVD, then probably the chips and salsa. If I wanted some comfort food, then the pie. :)
ReplyDeleteOn a summer's day would you rather go to the beach with friends or head to a park with a picnic rug and a good book?
I'd rather head to the park, I always get burned at the beach!
ReplyDeleteQ: Would you rather eat cakey or fudge brownies?
I would most definitely rather eat cakey brownies - I love texas sheet cake.
ReplyDeleteWhat's your favorite flower?
fudge of course!!!!
ReplyDeleteWould you rather be skiing down a mountain, or enjoying the apres ski massage?
Definitely skiing down a mountain! Though I prefer snowboarding.
ReplyDeleteWhat's your favorite sound of summer?
Kids playing in the sprinkler. (My son would say the ice cream truck lol)
ReplyDeleteepeanut79 at comcast dot net
Would you rather be able to fly or be invisible?
Oh I would rather fly as I have nothing to hide...hehehe
ReplyDeletewould you rather sandals or thongs (aussie for flip flops)
xo Steph
Sandals, definitely - I can't stand things between my toes!
ReplyDeleteWould you rather have cake or ice cream?
oh! Sandals for sure! I'm not comfortable wearing thongs (feet or bum)...
ReplyDeletewould you rather tea or coffee?
I wanted to see what the answer was and there are two...hehehe Can I answer them both? lol
ReplyDeleteIce-cream & Coffee!! Coffee ice cream takes the cake though...Get it...BWAHAHAHA....
would you rather a beard or moustache?
mmm...neither! don't like them at all
ReplyDeletewould you rather walk or cycle?
I would like to cycle
ReplyDeleteIf you could have a super power what would it be?
If I could have any superpower, I would like to be able to teleport anywhere I want at anytime. :)
ReplyDeleteIf you could have an hour-long conversation with any person from history, who would you choose and why?
I would probably want to chat with Jackie O. She was an amazing first lady as well as a style icon :)
ReplyDeleteNow..would you rather eat a bug or jump from a plane??
Oh, for sure jump from a plane. I hate bugs!
ReplyDeleteWhat is the worst movie you've ever seen?
sin city - not my thing at all, I was tricked into it by DH because i didn't know anything about it before going to the cinema, "no it's not a cartoon - yes it's in colour" LIAR!
ReplyDeletewould you rather eat raw meat or raw eggs?
Raw meat! I actually love my steaks really rare, and sushi is my thing.
ReplyDeleteIf you had to, would you rather lose the ability to read, or to write?
I want to be able to read forever! I don't need to write much!
ReplyDeleteWould you rather have a ketchup dispensing belly button or a pencil sharpening nose?
Oh my what a question! I'd like a pencil sharpening nose!
ReplyDeleteQ: who is your favourite fictional character?
LOL! oh my... difficult choice! maybe a chocolate dispensing belly button...
ReplyDeleteCinema or theatre?
Love a handmade gift- but nobody else ever handmakes but me - so I'd take a gift card to get more supplies!
ReplyDeleteOOPS - I goofed - OK - I'll take cinema - they serve popcorn there!
ReplyDeleteBest or worst book you've ever read?
Worst book I ever read was The Red badge of Courage. Love history...hate that book!
ReplyDeleteWould you rather have a bald head or a big belly?
Bald head! I might even be cute that way! LOL!
ReplyDeleteWould you rather find a bird spider in your bed or step on a snake?
Can I step on the snake with tall work boots on?
ReplyDeleteWould you rather mow your yard with dull scissors or weave together a bird's nest from the clippings?
bird's nest! that sounds fun!
ReplyDeletewould you rather be superman or batman?
ReplyDeleteWould you rather lose your house keys or your car keys?
mrs.marcus2 at yahoo dot com
My car keys, cos I keep a spare set in my house!!
ReplyDeleteTea or coffee?
By the way this is such fun - why don't we just keep going??? (only joking)
car keys, but that is a regular occurrence in our house, i'm well practiced.
ReplyDeleteWould you rather play a musical instrument or speak a foreign language?
My car keys.
ReplyDeleteWould you rather have to untangle 18 strands of Christmas lights or 1 skein of yarn?