Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Cathedral Window Sampler Quilt Along Blog Hop

Well, that's quite a mouthful, isn't it?!  I'm so excited to finally be able to announce the big event that's kicking off next week!  Yes, next week is already October, I can hardly believe it!

Cathedral Window Sampler QAL

I am so excited to be teaming up with Pellon and FreeQuiltPatterns.info, along with 8 other amazing designers, to bring you a fun 9-block Cathedral Window mini sampler.  Each week in October, there will be two block tutorials featuring each designer's take on the traditional Cathedral Window.  

Oct 1 :: Sara @ Sew Sweetness
Oct 4 :: Bree @ My Crafty Crap
Oct 8 :: Jill @ Made with Moxie
Oct 11 :: Emily @ Mommy's Nap Time
Oct 15 :: Rachael @ Imagine Gnats
Oct 18 :: Jessica @ Sew Crafted
Oct 22 :: Elizabeth @ Don't Call Me Betsy
Oct 25 :: Kim @ My Go-Go Life
Oct 29 :: Heather @ Olive & Ollie

And of course, what would a quilt along be without prizes?!  We have some truly amazing prizes for you from some amazing sponsors.



I'll share the full prize run down later this week, but there will be prizes for completing each individual block and for completing the full 9-block sampler top (does not need to be fully completed with back & binding).  You will have until November 15 to complete all the blocks, so you should have plenty of time, even if you're lucky enough to be attending Sewing Summit or Fall Quilt Market.  

Here's a quick peek at my block I'll be sharing next week.

Cathedral Window Weave Block

Stay tuned for more info this week, and get ready to kick things off next week!

Until next time...


  1. Cool idea, although alas I shall be gallivanting around the US for most of the duration, so I shall admire from the sidelines as wifi permits :oD

  2. This method looks like a good one to QAYG. If you have 9 completed QAYG blocks, would that count? Or do the blocks have to be sewen together by the end?

  3. Hi..i am from india...i too want to participate iin this. Will i be eligible for the prizes?

  4. I am not sure if I am signing on right. I would like to participate in the CWQA, but do not find the pattern for the quilt block, just the picture. It is Oct. 1st today. What do I do and how do I get there?


Thank you for your comments, I appreciate each & every one I get. I do try to respond to most (if not all) comments, but that's hard to do if you don't have an e-mail in your profile! :)