Monday, November 15, 2010

Progress: knitted hand warmers

I didn't get terribly far on the hand warmers this weekend, only about 1.5 inches done on the first one, but it's progress! I'm much slower with knit than crochet, and even slower working with such small needles (US size 3), not to mention four of them!

I did finally get a handle on holding everything while I was working. It's still awkward, but not impossible. Thanks to those of you who let me know it would get easier to handle the further along I got. It's definitely true!

You can see the ribbing better here, and the color is a little more true.

(Our table sure is shiny!)

I'm loving this green & wish the scarf I'm working on were the same color. Maybe I'll have to pick up some more when I get these finished up so I can make a scarf to match. I'll definitely use much bigger needles if I decide to do that!

I think one of the hardest things about these is knowing that even when I get one finished up, I'll still have to do another before I can actually use them! But I'm excited to get them finished, so hopefully it'll continue to be a good motivator.

Until next time...


  1. These look fun! I can't wait to see the finished product!!

  2. Those are looking wonderful! I know how tough the small needles can be. :) I want to learn how to knit in the round and want to learn how to do that too! It looks lovely! Thanks for the encouraging comment!

  3. Practice makes perfect! You'll get in the groove with all the needles eventually. :) Love that green!


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